Krulak Marine Alliance of Alabama
Membership Application
Click on Membership Application, print, and bring the completed application and proof of honorable service (DD-214) to a KMAA business meeting held the fourth Saturday of each month at Hoover Tactical Firearms from 1000 to 1200, with cash, credit card, or a check made out to KMAA, or mail application and check to:
John O'Malley / Treasurer
Krulak Marine Alliance of Alabama
1561 Montgomery Hwy.,
Birmingham, AL 35216
If you prefer to pay online click on the Donate button. Bring proof of your online payment to the next KMAA meeting.
Don't be Missing In Action
Be a Marine In Action!
Membership Dues
Membership dues are accepted as a tax-deductible donation to KMAA. To pay your annual dues, click on the "Pay Dues" Donate.
Annual Membership Dues are only $20.00 *
Your first-year membership dues are prorated per the quarter you join KMAA as follows:
Jan-Mar 1Q - $20
Apr-Jun 2Q - $15
Jul-Sep 3Q - $10
Oct-Dec 4Q - $5
4Q + Next year renewal $25
Two Years = $35
Three Years = $50
Life Membership = $250 (no more annual dues)
Thereafter, your annual membership dues are $20 and renewed each year by or at the January meeting.
Corporate Patriotic Partnership $200.00 *
Life / Corporate Patriotic Partnership $500.00 **
* Annually ** Onetime Payment